Minoru Yamasaki (3)
Japanese architecture is very much copied in this country and in Europe.
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William Butler Yeats (28)
I am of a healthy long lived race, and our minds improve with age.
247 quotes about age
Francis Parker Yockey (6)
The 19th century was the age of Individualism the 20th and 21st are the ages of Socialism.
247 views regarding age
Paramahansa Yogananda (3)
The season of failure is the best time for sowing the seeds of success.
353 thoughts about best
Brigham Young (5)
Any young man who is unmarried at the age of twenty one is a menace to the community.
247 quotes about age
Loretta Young (14)
Like charity, I believe glamour should begin at home.
212 wisdom & wit about beauty
Arthur Young (2)
God sleeps in the minerals, awakens in plants, walks in animals, and thinks in man.
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Henny Youngman (16)
I've been in love with the same woman for forty-one years. If my wife finds out, she'll kill me.
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Lin Yutang (4)
No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.
131 wisdom & wit about home